Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Update of GazoPa book

We released two new features to our facebook apps, GazoPa book, that make browsing images much easier and fun. One is the feature that enables users to see other user's images easily. Click ''s other photos' next to small thumbnails. Images similar to other user's profile and albums can be displayed.

The other is a 'shuffle' feature. Click 'shuffle' at the top right corner of GazoPa book. Other user's profile and albums can be displayed at random. You can start to search similar images to click ''s other photos'. In addition, when you access to Gazopa book, five images from other users can be displayed at random. This helps users to encounter other users that have your favorite images.

These features are very intuitive and keyword is not necessary to search images. I believe these two features give users unique ways to browse images in facebook. Please try it.

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